By Admin 15-06-2024 20:18:12 Read More

Anal Fistula is spreading as an incurable disease and the doctors in the market are looting it in a big way and advising people to do operation which is completely wrong. After the operation, there is no guarantee that it will be cured.

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It will not happen again because it is like a track, which opens again after the operation because a tendency is formed.

Its correct treatment is in homeopathy only. If homeopathic medicine is given as per the rule and constitutional medicine is selected, then this disease lasts for a month.

I myself am a living example of the fact that it will end within a few days.

The simple reason for this is that if you have any problem of constipation or digestion, then understand that you may have this problem in the future, so whenever you have constipation, definitely find a solution for it and this is a very natural solution for constipation, it can be cured. But just need to follow the right way

Anal Fistula

What is Fistual?

The boil that occurs around 1 inch of the anus is called anal fistula, which is a very painful disease. Once piles develop, it does not cause as much pain as fistula and is very fatal.

What causes fistula?

If we look at the biggest reason for fistula, then the biggest reason for constipation is due to weakness of digestion, meaning constipation is a hard stool (constipation), then what happens in it is that when hard constipation occurs, it peels off our inner flesh.

So the problem of piles is more likely to occur if you have a thin toilet, then your chances of getting fistula are slightly higher.

Anal Fistula Treatment

First of all, let us tell you that in the allopathic world, operation is considered the only option for anal fistula or even if you go to Ayurveda, then they say that you should get the operation done by thread method, but there is only one homeopathy which says it directly.

Whatever operation you want, whether it is by thread or laser method, there is no need for any operation. It is hundred percent possible to cure your fistula with homeopathic constitutional medicine without operation and homeopathic doctors correct it every day.

You just need to find a good homeopathic doctor. If you are not getting results from any one doctor, change the doctor and see.

You will get a lot of relief and will be cured completely but here I am telling you some medicines which you can take, it has no side effects but I will tell you the method, if you have to take it in this way then it will work very well for you.


Nux Vomica and Sulfur have a very big role in homeopathy, both are very polycharistic medicines and their effect is very deep and wonderful.
I will tell you how to use it, whether you have piles or fistula.

It will not show very good effect in fissure but in fistula and piles it will work like a panacea, so what you have to do is to eat two drops of Nux Vomica 30 at night, then you have to eat Nux Vomica for 5 days continuously.

Apart from this you do not have to take any medicine. You do not have to eat only Nux Vomica of homeopathy. After taking it for 5 days at night, you have to take Sulpher 30 in the morning from the sixth day.

You have to repeat this routine for one to one and a half months. Give Nux Vomica 30 at night and Sulpher 30 in the morning, then you will see.

Its effect is very good, your constipation will gradually go away, your digestion will start getting better and your disease like fistula or piles will also be cured from the root because what Sulpher does is that it will heal your piles or fistula from inside. Gives, that is, heals his wound.
